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Comprehensive Transmission Services in Goldsboro, NC

Restoring your vehicle to peak performance is something we do every day. At AAMCO of Goldsboro, our experienced technicians handle transmission services and more in Goldsboro, NC. We blend top-notch technology with years of expertise to ensure your car runs smoothly, safely, and efficiently. Additionally, we can diagnose, service, and repair your vehicle’s transmission with precision and care. Visit us and discover why we are a trusted name in auto repairs. Your vehicle’s transmission deserves the best, and that’s precisely what we deliver.


Experienced Transmission Rebuilding Services

Our technicians take pride in offering signature transmission rebuild services that stand out in the industry. Each technician specializes in rebuilding transmissions with precision and care, ensuring each unit meets our high standards. Every transmission rebuild is thoroughly disassembled, cleaned, inspected, and reconstructed with quality parts. Once rebuilt, transmissions undergo rigorous testing to confirm optimal performance. Enjoy peace of mind with our robust warranty, ensuring the reliability and longevity of your transmission.

Reliable Transmission Reseal Services

If your vehicle’s automatic transmission is losing fluid but otherwise performing well, consider our efficient transmission reseal services. This service removes your transmission, identifies and replaces all external seals and crucial components, and retains transmission fluid. Our experienced technicians then reinstall your transmission, fill it with clean fluid, and make any necessary external adjustments. When finished, we test your vehicle on the road to ensure the transmission functions properly. Trust us to keep your vehicle running smoothly and efficiently on the road.

Trustworthy Clutch Services for Manual Transmissions

Driving a manual transmission vehicle comes with unique joys and challenges. Our experienced technicians can handle any clutch-related issue for your vehicle. If external adjustments to your vehicle don’t seem to fix the issue, we will dive deeper. We will remove the transmission and inspect the clutch disc, pressure plate, flywheel, and all related components. Anything we find that doesn’t meet our high standards, we will replace the necessary parts. After reinstalling the transmission and filling it with fresh fluid, we test-drive your vehicle to ensure the clutch operates properly. Count on us for reliable and efficient clutch services to keep your manual transmission running smoothly.

Schedule Your Transmission Service Today

Take the first step towards a smoother drive with AAMCO of Goldsboro. Our skilled technicians are standing by to provide expert transmission services tailored to your vehicle’s specific needs. With a reputation built on trust and excellence, we provide top-quality care and precision to every repair we perform. Don’t wait for minor issues to become major problems. Contact us now and schedule your transmission services. Let us get your car back on the road with confidence.

Schedule Your Free Auto Appointment Today!